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创新是星际网赌导航生存的核心. 纵观我们的历史, 创新文化, innovative processes and innovative products have kept us constantly exploring, 改进和成功.

The Saab we know today was born from innovation. 在30年代末, 另一场世界大战迫在眉睫, Sweden’s urgent defence requirements and lack of access to foreign technology meant the country needed the Swedish aircraft industry to supply the Swedish 空气 Force.

With great demands from the Swedish state but limited finances and resources, the fledgling company had to be innovative from day one. The Second World War meant Sweden couldn’t import technologies for its air force, but Saab learned from what was out there to improvise and innovate, creating its own varieties of planes and engines. The B17 bomber-reconnaissance aircraft was an early example of the resourcefulness and innovation that are part of Saab’s DNA.

Although Saab started as a pure defence industry company, the end of the war and impending military budget cuts prompted the company to branch out into civilian aircraft and applications. This process would pave the way for the company’s merger with Scania between 1969 and 1995. Mergers such as this showed that diversification was an important part of innovation, spreading the risk by securing additional sources of income and using technology in different areas.


As a business that prioritises continuous improvement, 适应性, 个人责任和以客户为中心, Saab’s company culture embodies the best of the Swedish engineering spirit.

星际网赌导航的员工不仅要做好自己的工作. They are also expected (and trusted) to find ways to improve processes and products. Among Saab’s voluminous archives are 80-year-old handwritten memos from workers to management, pointing out where an improvement can and should be made.

This continuous improvement and future-proofing is central to Saab’s philosophy of innovation. That’s why Saab products as varied as the Carl-Gustaf recoilless rifle, 1946年首次上市, the Gripen smart fighter aircraft that was first designed in the early 1980s, and the new A26 submarines are all built with a modular approach.

最终, Saab’s approach to innovation involves four aspects: listening to our customers to find out the desirability of an offer; examining the feasibility of creating it; establishing the economic viability of the offer; and assessing its 适应性 to outside factors such as trends, 行业力量和其他市场力量.



With each aircraft Saab has delivered during its history – the B17, B18, J21, J29, 32 Lansen, 35 Draken, 37 Viggen and 39 Gripen – there has been a huge technological leap, which has required an intense focus on research and development. Where most industries spend roughly 5% or less of turnover on R&D,星际网赌导航花费25%.

星际网赌导航历史的早期开始, the company had a large percentage of employees involved in development and design. The focus on solving new problems with new ideas has given us a mix of specialists in a huge range of professional disciplines.

This created an engineering bureau that became a beacon for ambitious talents and a hotbed of innovation. 今天, Saab continues to build upon its already strong ‘triple helix’ approach with talent from academia, 工业和政府, 促进经济社会发展. Saab is also engaged in developing new solutions together with all of its suppliers, 从大公司到刚起步的初创企业. Saab 合资企业 is another point of innovation and was created to spin off Saab-generated ideas. 今天 it has created several new successful companies based on technology from Saab. 


With such a wide range of knowledge under one roof, it was inevitable that Saab would begin to see new ideas and projects emerging. A “competence dispersal effect” works its way in and around Saab, meaning that skilled people move between companies, 供应商之间相互学习, and new businesses are established to develop ideas created when the employee was with Saab.

Our innovation principles have also led us to diversify into some surprising areas, often accompanied by our willingness to share technology for the betterment of society.

例如, the amazingly successful (and empowering) ‘Permobil’ electric wheelchair was developed and initially marketed with Saab’s help, while the SARSYS-ASFT measuring system began life as the Saab friction tester, a Saab 900 car with a fifth wheel that could measure the braking co-efficient on an aeroplane runway. Years later, the car has changed but the principle and the application remain the same.